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Boost yourself – the premiere

By 1. October 2020November 25th, 2020No Comments

Boost yourself – the premiere

It’s digital and analog at the same time – “Boost yours­elf”, the 2021 beauty calen­dar for 20 years of AK-Der Friseur. The first copies (limited edition 500 pieces) were pre­sen­ted at the small cele­bra­ti­on for the anni­ver­sa­ry of Annette Kurz and her team. Even the reac­tions at the pre­mie­re among a small group of sel­ec­ted guests and the AK team showed that our hybrid calen­dar concept creates joy. Thus, “Boost yours­elf” fits per­fect­ly with what Annette and her team have created in 20 years – to be a strong, unique brand that sets trends and stan­dards all over Germany. Chapeau, dear Annette, we con­gra­tu­la­te you!

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