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Spot on. And sound too!

By 2. September 2020November 24th, 2020No Comments

Spot on. And sound too!

licht­ba­sis brings a real product inno­va­ti­on to the German-spea­king area with the wire­less 360 degree-loud­spea­k­ers from spot­tu­ne. Easy to use, easy to posi­ti­on and with enorm­ous added value for office and sale. From super­mar­kets to retail outlets and from hotels to offices, spot­tu­ne creates the perfect com­bi­na­ti­on of music and lights. Our mul­ti­me­dia cam­paign makes this visible and tan­gi­ble. For cus­to­mers. For partners. For all.

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lichtbasis Spottune Produktabbildung

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