We create strong brands

with convincing stories.

The concept of thought is still taken lite­ral­ly. In dia­lo­gue with our cus­to­mers and partners, solu­ti­ons for brand, design, message and iden­ti­ty are created in design­house. Full of passion for what we do, but based on sys­te­ma­tic, metho­di­cal and struc­tu­red prin­ci­ples. The result is brand images that you talk about. This is pre­cis­e­ly our goal.


Company head­quar­ters at the Eulen­hof just outside the gates of Kulmbach

Markets become more global, the world more digital.
Good that we know the solutions.


We develop holi­stic, mul­ti­me­di­al stories around your brand and your pro­ducts. Idea, picture world, wording and story from one cast.


Fein­zeugs, magis­tero, Siebenquell or Fast Forms. We create the names that cha­rac­te­ri­ze your success. As a product, as a brand or as a project.


Logo­style or bro­chu­re, screen design for the website or the deve­lo­p­ment of your Power­Point pre­sen­ta­ti­on. We care for per­for­man­ces that are any­thing but quiet.

Added values

Thanks to our very good net­wor­king, we are able to bring people, pro­ducts and ideas into dia­lo­gue with each other and create added value tog­e­ther with our ideas.


We write texts just as the people of today want to read them. Lively, tasty and light-footed. With every com­pe­tence you need, and the charm that makes the text enjoyable.


The stra­tegy is prior to the design. Target groups, market rese­arch, brand posi­tio­ning – we solve all these ques­ti­ons for you. Uncom­pli­ca­ted and with the expe­ri­ence of 25 years of suc­cessful agency work.

Moving pictures

Film, radio, trailer or image film – with our pro­fes­sio­nal TV team and the expe­ri­ence from more than 50 rea­li­zed pro­jects, we create moving pic­tures that do exactly that – move..

Brand in space

We see the design of the trade fair, POS, show­room or ent­rance of your company as a bran­ding expe­ri­ence in the space. And exactly we do it. With atten­ti­on to detail and the desire to create some­thing special.


Our design­house calen­dar is published annu­al­ly in large format 48 x 68 cm. 24 motifs, strict­ly limited. On the finest Fed­ri­go­ni-paper. In high-quality card­board pack­a­ging. 19,90 EUR plus ship­ping fees.


Thought for the
21st century

idées is a book project that takes account of the chan­ging values of our society. Away from the ever­y­day, inter­ch­an­geable to the valuable, to the par­ti­cu­lar. On 170 pages and a unique outfit that takes the concept of value crea­ti­on literally.

170 pages, bound, in slipcase

Brand worlds 2.0

Our best­sel­ler “Mar­ken­wel­ten 2.0” is the pre­de­ces­sor of “idées”, but unfort­u­na­te­ly sold out. Author Wolf­gang Judas descri­bes the inter­play of brands and markets in the mobile age and the impact that has on our value propositions.

Brand worlds 2.0
160 pages, bound