This campaign
makes a whole city happy

artus real estate
New brand image, real estate tag and image cam­paign – artus real estate pres­ents itself as one sees itself – as a com­pe­tent, inno­va­ti­ve and likeable address for buyers, tenants and inves­tors of real estate.

A logo,
that the future
carries in itself

Our sym­po­si­um work new. now. deli­vers ideas, inno­va­tions and impul­ses for the working life of tomor­row. How could this be better imple­men­ted than with a gene­ra­ti­ve logo that changes its appearance as well as the envi­ron­ment of work and life.

IHK WorkNewNow Logo animiert logo that carries future
Lauenstein Hightlight

The finest anniversary in germany

50 years Con­fi­se­rie Lauenstein
This is a reason to cele­bra­te. And to enjoy. With an overall concept from the jubilee logo, bro­chu­re, clot­hing, product worlds and ever­y­thing that Fein­schön sets the scene.

Powerful Ideas
for powerful solutions

Rogers Corporation
PCIM Europe in Nurem­berg is Euro­pe’s most important plat­form for power elec­tro­nics com­pa­nies. For our cus­to­mer Rogers Corporation, we develop an overall concept every year from the invi­ta­ti­on to the design of the test stand.

Rogers Corporation Highlight
Landkreis Hof Highlight

Business location
full of perspectives

Region Upper-Fran­co­nia
Image bro­chu­re for dis­trict Hof for eco­no­mic pro­mo­ti­on natio­nal­ly and internationally.

More possibilities
for the markets

flatex select
The brand image for flatex select is inten­ded to visua­li­ze the premium cha­rac­ter of the brand. Behind this is the launch of the Morgan Stanley Cer­ti­fi­ca­tes on the German stock market. And a mul­ti­me­di­al appearance that does justice to it.

Morgan Stanley Highlight
feinzeugs No.2 Magazin

A magazine that is unique

With fein­zeugs®, we have deve­lo­ped a maga­zi­ne for Con­fi­se­rie Lauenstein that focuses on special values, unique expe­ri­en­ces and one-of-a-kind delights. In the reading format, inspi­ring, sti­mu­la­ting and happy doing.

Here is playing the music

Hofer Symphoniker
Mul­ti­me­di­al brand image, cor­po­ra­te design, TV and radio­spot as well as sub­scrip­ti­on concept and product range for the Hofer Symphoniker.

magnat Highlight

Highly over

Magnat Real Estate AG
Our design concept for the two-storey mea­su­ring stand of Magnat Real Estate AG from Vienna stands high in the truest sense of the word. An eye-catcher at every trade show, high-quality and up-to-date lifestyles.

Everything green

Brand image and TV spot with tes­ti­mo­ni­al Mick Knauff for nati­on­wi­de market launch.

Aktionärsbank Highlight
magistero Highlight

Wood furniture
according to lumber art

Naming, mul­ti­me­di­al brand image and mar­ke­ting concept for craftsmanship

Home is doing well

Klinik Hoch­fran­ken
Com­pre­hen­si­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and design concept for the exten­si­on of the clinic Hoch­fran­ken with motif and picture worlds for levels, rooms inclu­ding ori­en­ta­ti­on and color system.

Siebenquell Highlight

More than just a spa

Siebenquell GesundZeitResort
Stra­tegy concept and brand image with image films and opening point for Siebenquell Gesund­heits­Zeit­Re­sort, Weißenstadt.

Reorientation after strategy change

Coreo AG
Cor­po­ra­te design and brand image with annual report for real estate com­pa­nies, Frank­furt am Main.

coreo Highlight
fintech Highlight

Financial Services Technology

FinTech Group AG
Brand image and busi­ness report for the FinTech Group from Frank­furt, one of Euro­pe’s leading finan­cial tech­no­lo­gy companies.

So beautiful can be compression

medi GmbH
For medi, a world-leading manu­fac­tu­rer of medical aids, we have been deve­lo­ping product cam­paigns or POS con­cepts around shop windows and point of sale for many years. Clear, with added value and in many languages.

medi Highlight
Heliad Highlight

Invest in the best

Heliad Equity Partners
Mul­ti­me­di­al appearance for Heliad Equity Partners from Frank­furt with a screen design and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on concept.

A book
as a thought

A book made for the 21st century. How do values and markets change? What does this mean for brands and pro­ducts? All these topics are explai­ned and illu­mi­na­ted in the lan­guage of the present by Wolf­gang Judas.

idees Highlight
Freiheitshalle Hof Highlight

Perfect stage
for all masterpieces

Frei­heits­hal­le Hof
The “Frei­heits­hal­le” is the perfect stage for mas­ter­pie­ces of all kinds. From Schla­ger­kö­ni­gin Helene Fischer over rock legends, cabaret art, the Falco musical or, or, or. Made for strong sound and soft knees. As a buil­ding to which the whole of Germany 

Taken literally Quality

Quality Group
With a clear com­mit­ment to sus­taina­bi­li­ty, the Quality Group from Helm­b­rechts has a clear posi­ti­on with regard to ecology and eco­no­mics. We have desi­gned the bro­chu­re of five related textile com­pa­nies as the theme is – authentic.

Quality Group Highlight

The region of enjoyment
to read

Fein frän­kisch
Ober­fran­ken has the world’s highest density of brewers, bakers and but­chers. Per inha­bi­tant. We have con­tri­bu­ted the logo and “Frän­kisch”, a 300-page book about the good things and addres­ses of the region.

Bavaria’s best 50

Sell GmbH
From the opening cam­paign for the warehouse in front of the gates of Helm­b­rechts (to which over 10,000 people came) over the brand image, the trai­ning cam­paign or ever­y­thing that makes Sell from Helm­b­rechts to one of the 50 best com­pa­nies in Bavaria – we put it into the scene.

Sell Highlight
kelectric Highlight

Safety first

K‘Electric pro­ducts protect people, buil­dings and faci­li­ties. And our brand image makes this visible. From the stand to the online publi­ca­ti­on, catalog and brochure.

Rich with Geiss –
the TV campaign

Bör­sen­me­di­en AG
The shoo­ting for the “Reich with Geiss” TV cam­paign in Munich was as expec­ted from Robert Geiss. Pro­fes­sio­nal in every detail, in a good mood and quite in the style of the goat. The result was various spots and clips on the stra­tegy with the all-round entre­pre­neur. In his distinc­ti­ve chat, loud, shrill, but charming.

Börsenmedien AG Reich mit Geiss Highlight
Hofer Filmtage Highlight

The cult in the cinemas

Hofer Film­ta­ge
If the “Hofer Film­ta­ge” will be 50 years, the invi­ta­ti­on has to hold on to what the topic pro­mi­ses. Accor­din­gly, we have imple­men­ted this for Ger­many’s most important film event, that comes after Berlin – clear, atten­ti­on-grab­bing and sovereign.

The shopping center

Hofer Ein­zel­han­del
The message of the cam­paign for the Hofer retail trade is ambi­guous, but always con­clu­si­ve. As a large area as well as in mul­ti­me­di­al imple­men­ta­ti­on, Hof becomes a shop­ping and city expe­ri­ence. A cam­paign that looks at all of the top skins.

gmund Highlight

Best paper
for strong brands

Büt­ten­pa­pier­fa­brik Gmund
The unique papers from Gmund are out­stan­ding foun­da­ti­ons for impres­si­ve brand appearan­ces. Thanks to Florian Kohler and his team, you are our perfect partner.

Ideas for majorities

With our cam­paig­ning cam­paigns for the CSU in Ober­fran­ken we create majo­ri­ties. Tailor-made stra­te­gies for man­da­tes that mobi­li­ze people and support a suc­cessful vote.

CSU Highlight
Bier in Kulmbach

500 years Reinheitsgebot

Stadt Kulm­bach
The appli­ca­ti­on of the city of Kulm­bach for the Lan­des­schau “Bier in Bayern” is about 40 pages thick. With lots of good argu­ments, num­e­rous details and count­less ideas, which desire to expe­ri­ence “500 years of purity”.