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Shopping should be an experience

By 27. February 2017December 22nd, 2020No Comments

Shopping should be an experience
Frankenpost, February 2017

Shop­ping in Hof should be more attrac­ti­ve. For this, the newly founded “Wer­be­ge­mein­schaft Hof” wants to use itself. Beside the Purcha­ser, further actions are planned.

Hof – Shop­ping – this has long been no longer the mere pro­vi­si­on of neces­sa­ry ever­y­day objects. Shop­ping is part of the life­style. It’s not just about buying a piece of clot­hing or an elec­tri­cal device. It is a popular leisure acti­vi­ty, some people take the day-to-day shop­ping trip to their hobby. So that the expe­ri­ence is also fun, many factors
har­mo­nious blend: the flair of the city, the archi­tec­tu­re, the facades, the culina­ry offer, the service, the parking faci­li­ties. This is pre­cis­e­ly the reason for the newly founded
Adver­ti­sing com­mu­ni­ty Hof.

Ori­gi­nal­ly, the dealers of the working group “Hof 2020” wanted to found a new asso­cia­ti­on to be able to speak with one voice. Now, however, the parties have decided to use the already exis­ting struc­tures and expand the com­mu­ni­ty: “The adver­ti­sing com­mu­ni­ty Lud­wig­stra­ße has changed its name to” Wer­be­ge­mein­schaft Hof “and has thus opened up to the entire urban area,” explains Bärbel Scher­del, land­la­dy of the Wein­kis­te. She and opti­ci­an Lutz Lenn­artz are the double point of the new club. The opening imme­dia­te­ly had a posi­ti­ve effect: “The number of members has already doubled to 42 at the first meeting,” says Lutz Lenn­artz. Joint actions by the members and a uniform repre­sen­ta­ti­on abroad in coope­ra­ti­on with the city market – this is what the adver­ti­sing com­mu­ni­ty is pri­ma­ri­ly about. The chair­men empha­si­ze the good coope­ra­ti­on with the city market: They remind of the “Bröt­chen­tas­te”, the parking ticket, which can be parked for free in the upper Lud­wig­stra­ße for 15 minutes, the two illu­mi­na­ted signs at the ends of the old town, Lud­wig­stra­ße, the illu­mi­na­ti­on of trees in the city area or the Christ­mas tree alley across the city. The style should continue.

The adver­ti­sing com­mu­ni­ty is a plat­form for traders and restau­ra­teurs, and we want to bring the supply of the trade into line with the shop­ping expe­ri­ence and the city service,” says she. Tog­e­ther, they wanted to work to make the stay as plea­sant as pos­si­ble for cus­to­mers in the city and to make the city of Hof attrac­ti­ve to the county and the cities in addi­ti­on. “Up to now, however, we have had no exter­nal impact,” says Bärbel Scher­del. The adver­ti­sing agency Design­house from Kulm­bach now takes care of the image. The concept for a large-scale adver­ti­sing cam­paign stands. In addi­ti­on to a slogan and posters, this includes a purcha­sing manager and joint mar­ke­ting cam­paigns. The traders can regis­ter. The new slogan is “We give court glory”. “Hof Glanz” is to play acou­sti­cal­ly on “high gloss”, explains desi­gner Wolf­gang Judas from the agency Design­house. This has already rea­li­zed image cam­paigns for the Liberty Hall, the Hofer Beef Sausage or the Hofer Symphoniker. “We iden­ti­fy our­sel­ves with the city of Hof and are able to meet the needs of our clients so well,” explains Judas. In addi­ti­on to the slogan, Design­house has created a purcha­sing guide, which is to be available in printed and digital form at the end of March. The Purchaser
to the cus­to­mers through the city through an over­view of all shops, cafes, hair­dress­ers, restau­rants, phar­maci­es, but­chers and travel agen­ci­es. The traders are listed with opening hours, service offer and address.

If you do not wish to take part in the purcha­sing process, you will still be noted. “Then there is only a kind of trade, like ‘textile’, in the hands,” says Bärbel Scher­del. The gra­phi­cal ela­bo­ra­ti­on is already finis­hed. But until 8 March, inte­res­ted parties could be included in the shop­ping guide. In this way, not only Hofer, who know their busi­ness and service pro­vi­ders, and who prefer certain of them, should be approa­ched, but above all cus­to­mers from all over the county or beyond. These should get the neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on for their stay in the city in the shop­ping guide. “With this cam­paign, Hof is posi­tio­ning itself as a shop­ping center. The overall goal is to estab­lish the muni­ci­pa­li­ty as a brand in a regio­nal land­scape,” says Wolf­gang Judas.

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