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The future conference

By 28. September 2020November 24th, 2020No Comments

The future conference

Three days, three events, one theme: sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Brands explain their green future stra­tegy and share their know­le­ge on topics like natural fibers, recy­cling tech­no­lo­gies and eco­lo­gi­cal pack­a­ging. On an inno­va­ti­ve walk of the german inno­va­ti­on summit (a new form of know­ledge trans­fer in the nature) it’s all about solu­ti­ons. Less show, more exper­ti­se. Where? Live by Gmund. But only 60 tickets per day. Safety first!

Tickets and infos:

Die Zukunftskonferenz Unfolded The future conference
Die Zukunftskonferenz Unfolded The future conference
Die Zukunftskonferenz Unfolded The future conference
Die Zukunftskonferenz Unfolded The future conference

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