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The digital money of the future

By 5. March 2021July 2nd, 2021No Comments

The digital money of the future

Bitcoin was inven­ted in 2008. A decade later, cryp­to­cur­ren­ci­es made mil­lionaires and are belie­ved to have the poten­ti­al to change the world. Bitcoin, IOTA or block­chain have long since found their way into our lan­guage and news world and every price move­ment of the crypto cur­ren­ci­es is now causing a sen­sa­ti­on world­wi­de. Star inves­tor Robert Küfner looks back on the first ten years of digital cur­ren­ci­es and descri­bes on 208 pages in his book “The Crypto Decade” how Bitcon & Co will con­ti­nue to change the world.