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Stardust for Andreas Opel

By 5. July 2016December 22nd, 2020No Comments

Stardust for Andreas Opel
Frankenpost, July 2016

Design Award of CO & CO

The wood­block maker Andreas Opel, who is based in Zett­litz, has secured one of the coveted “star hours”. The award is awarded by the spe­cia­list maga­zi­ne for cor­po­ra­te design CO & CO for the best brand images in the German-spea­king world. In the second quarter, it was also awarded to the craft­sman. The concept and design of the brand image are by Wolf­gang Judas and his agency Design­house, which can already look forward to the third natio­nal design award in 2016; in addi­ti­on to the work for Andreas Opel there were “starter hours” for the C.P.A. Group and the “Siebenquell GesundZeitResort”.