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lichtbasis: Discover the power of light

By 14. February 2020November 24th, 2020No Comments

lichtbasis: Discover the power of light

An image catalog with 50 pages, num­e­rous product bro­chu­res and an invi­ta­ti­on to talk about. Thus, licht­ba­sis from Würz­burg Esten­feld attracts its cus­to­mers and partners to the most important exhi­bi­ti­ons this spring. „Dis­co­ver the power of light“ we have titled our story of light, by which the company ope­ra­ting throug­hout europe sheds new light on its story. Inno­va­ti­ve, full of relish and sur­pri­sin­gly dif­fe­rent. Staged by us, rea­li­zed on Gmund Bauhaus.

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