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Be first. Not second. An invitation to Eulenhof.

By 23. February 2018November 4th, 2020No Comments

Be first. Not second. An invitation to Eulenhof.


The save-the-date-cards as well as the invi­ta­ti­ons are being created, the date is fixed. In mid-May, our two-day brand event will take place at the Eulen­hof. Tog­e­ther with vitra. and sel­ec­ted brand ambassa­dors from inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies, we speak of ori­gi­nals and added value, illus­tra­te brand value and much more. Sur­roun­ded by a visual expe­ri­ence world and embedded in the global project „The ori­gi­nal comes from vitra.“ We give insights, create dia­lo­gues and per­spec­ti­ves. For com­pa­nies. For brands. And people.


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