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With light against bacteria

By 26. October 2020December 7th, 2020No Comments

With light against bacteria

Up to 98 percent of all viruses, bac­te­ria and fungi are neu­tra­li­zed by the UV‑C Ste­ri­lon Flow dis­in­fec­tion lights. The flow lights for the dis­in­fec­tion of air and sur­faces are beco­ming a valuable helper in the fight for our health. The UV ‑ C Ste­ri­lon Flow lamps are sold by licht­ba­sis from Esten­feld, one of the leading who­le­sa­lers in Europe for light and lamps. The basis is our “Clean up your life” cam­paign, which uses mul­ti­me­dia to adver­ti­se the highly effec­ti­ve UV light.

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