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The shopping city Hof as an experience

By 8. June 2017November 4th, 2020No Comments

The shopping city Hof as an experience

Shop­ping and city life have long been inse­pa­ra­ble. For this reason, we have desi­gned a joint appearance for the town and the retail trade in Hof, which ranges from the purcha­sing manager (as a booklet in print­ver­si­on and digital) to the image cam­paign. The 12 motifs can be expe­ri­en­ced as a large area curr­ent­ly in the city and county, more will follow. At the pre­sen­ta­ti­on this morning, the par­ti­ci­pa­ting dealers were repre­sen­ted as well as Lord Mayor Dr. Harald Ficht­ner with his team Klaus-Jochen Weidner, Ute Fischer and Rainer Krauss. In the spirit of the cam­paign> We make (to them) the court.

Hofer Einzelhandel Markenbild

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