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Work new. now. Living and working in Upper Franconia

By 7. May 2018November 5th, 2020No Comments

Work new. now.
Living and working in Upper Franconia

Living and working in Upper Fran­co­nia – a topic that has changed con­sider­a­b­ly. Tog­e­ther with vitra. we have desi­gned a Trend and      Inno­va­ti­on Con­gress for the IHK Ober­fran­ken in Bayreuth, which will take place on June 15th on the campus of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bayreuth. The save the date cards and the invi­ta­ti­on are fresh from the prin­ting press and are now being sent to the post office. In the spirit of work new. now.

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