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Steinmann Selection: The new warehouse

By 14. May 2018November 5th, 2020No Comments

Steinmann Selection: The new warehouse

The Stein­mann Sel­ec­tion, located at the gates of Gefrees, is expan­ding its head­quar­ters in Neubau near Strei­tau to include a warehouse. The foun­da­ti­on of the new struc­tu­re pres­ents itself with a won­derful pan­o­r­amic view towards Schnee­berg and Och­sen­kopf. Stein­mann Sel­ec­tion is a premium manu­fac­tu­rer of comfort loun­gers and high-quality con­tract fur­ni­tu­re for clinics, hos­pi­tals, medical prac­ti­ces and reti­re­ment homes. The new buil­ding is another mile­stone in the nearly 30-year history of Doris and Michael Steinmann.

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