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Perfection redefined

By 25. May 2020November 24th, 2020No Comments

Perfection redefined

The exclu­si­ve col­la­bo­ra­ti­on of the tra­di­tio­nal house FEILER from Hohen­berg an der Eger and tennis icon Ste­fa­nie Graf goes into the next round. With the new autumn coll­ec­tion, per­fec­tion has a new defi­ni­ti­on. The best mate­ri­als, mini­ma­list design and the unique FEILER quality also make this product world the perfect ever­y­day com­pa­n­ion for ever­yo­ne who is worth it.

Stefanie Graf by Feiler Perfection redefined - FEILER
Stefanie Graf by Feiler Perfection redefined - FEILER
Stefanie Graf by Feiler Klapper Perfection redefined - FEILER

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