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Palpitations in Hof

By 14. October 2020November 25th, 2020No Comments

Palpitations in Hof

Pal­pi­ta­ti­ons are part of it for us. For 54 years ”, this is how we descri­bed the invi­ta­ti­on to the award cerem­o­ny at the 54th Hofer Film­ta­ge, which takes place on October 22nd in the Frei­heits­hal­le and can be fol­lo­wed online via live stream. In addi­ti­on to pal­pi­ta­ti­ons, 2020 also includes an ela­bo­ra­te secu­ri­ty concept, which cer­tain­ly does not detract from the desire for the film award and the New German Cinema award. The event will be mode­ra­ted by Sandra Rieß from Baye­ri­scher Fernsehen.

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