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Good light, good sales

By 8. June 2020November 24th, 2020No Comments

Good light, good sales

With the dis­count mailing on the power rails and the access­ories of the premium pro­ducts from Nordic Alu­mi­num, licht­ba­sis from Esten­feld is making an excla­ma­ti­on mark. The mailing desi­gned by us is aimed at dealers and sales partners in order to enable good sales even in dif­fi­cult days. licht­ba­sis is one of the leading addres­ses for light, lumi­n­aires and lamps in Europe and, with the dis­count cam­paign on this con­tem­po­ra­ry product classic, sets a mul­ti­me­dia excla­ma­ti­on mark in many respects.

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