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Autumn Festival in Helmbrechts

By 1. October 2018November 5th, 2020No Comments

Autumn Festival in Helmbrechts

On Satur­day, October 13th, a visit to Helm­b­rechts is wort­hwhile. The autumn fes­ti­val of Sell GmbH is all about. Bava­ri­an home-style cooking, fresh beer and an attrac­ti­ve raffle attract. In addi­ti­on, insights into the diver­si­fied work of the company, career and trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties as well as a visit to one of the top 50 com­pa­nies in Bavaria are wort­hwhile. Our four-part event cam­paign (large area, adver­ti­se­ments, posters) points the way to the autumn fes­ti­val in Helmbrechts.

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