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The foundation stone for a “healthy time”

By 10. May 2015December 22nd, 2020No Comments

The foundation stone for a “healthy time”
Frankenpost, May 2015

The con­s­truc­tion of the thermal spa is on sche­du­le. In Sep­tem­ber of next year, the Fich­tel­ge­bir­ge will start a new time cal­cu­la­ti­on in tourism.

Weißenstadt -

Stephan Gesell is a humble person. If someone had laid the foun­da­ti­on for a 60 million euro project, there would have been “his­to­ri­cal days” or even more. The initia­tor and mana­ging direc­tor of the future thermal baths in Weißenstadt would rather speak of a “nice day for the city”. He was undoub­ted­ly unde­fea­ted, even if it were of importance. The many guests at the foun­da­ti­on stone for the Mega­pro­jekt on the Frei­tag­nachagag were at least very proud. They were witness to the begin­ning of a new era in the Fich­tel­ge­bir­ge. For when the bath­room and atta­ched hotel will be opened in Sep­tem­ber 2016, the region is playing a leading role in tourism in Germany.

Franz Josef Pschie­rer, the Secre­ta­ry of State for Eco­no­mic Affairs, said this at least. The poli­ti­ci­an, who came from Bad Wöris­ho­fen, was envious of the fact that the mineral resour­ces of the White City water were “miles ahead” of the Swabian show­pie­ce bath. The depth of the water at 36 degrees is much warmer. Accor­ding to this, King Maxi­mi­li­an I once said that White­stadt was the healt­hie­st place in Germany.

Accor­ding to this super­la­ti­ve, the thermal baths will not be a shameful bath in the future, but a “seven-source health resort”. With this brand name the faci­li­ty will adver­ti­se on the health market (see also Info­kas­ten). For one thing, accor­ding to Pschie­rer, there will be hardly any more in the future: cash kits. The­r­e­fo­re Weißenstadt has to prove itself in the free health market and stand out from other tourist resorts.

That this suc­cee­ded, none of the orators had any doubt. Land Coun­cil­or Dr. Karl Döhler was the­r­e­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly pleased that Stephan Gesel­l’s project gave the entire Fich­tel­ge­bir­ge a whole new self-esteem feeling. “You have the neces­sa­ry self-awa­re­ness and trus­ting God that ever­y­thing will be a good end.”

On his very con­cre­te help, CEO Gesell express­ly. The pro­fes­sed Chris­ti­an also sees himself guided by God in his busi­ness ways. It is no ques­ti­on for him that faith also takes place in the health resort. There will also be a chapel in the center of the recrea­ti­on and therapy faci­li­ties, as a spi­ri­tu­al filling station.

The fact that Gesell is already seven years after the opening of the neigh­bor­ing spa hotel with an even larger project on the finish line, was at that time not fore­seeable. All the more deligh­ted­ly, Mayor Frank Dreyer con­gra­tu­la­ted the busy entre­pre­neur for his com­mit­ment. Gesell gave the com­pli­ment to the Stadt­ober­haupt, for without it the con­s­truc­tion could never have been rea­li­zed so quickly.

A little pride left the manager flas­hing. He descri­bed the concept of the “health resort” as a nati­on­wi­de nati­on­wi­de. Among other things, burnt-aff­lic­ted pro­fes­sio­nals will be able to rech­ar­ge their energy and energy in the spa. Alt­hough the visi­tors will surely expe­ri­ence a lot of fun, it is not a classic fun pool, but a therapy and well­ness facility.

Many of the guests present at the foun­da­ti­on were par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­ted in the “healthy time travel”. This is an area in which the know­ledge and tra­di­ti­ons of decades-old cul­tures can be tried out in the field of health. The hotel also had the fol­lo­wing numbers: a hotel with 125 rooms and 225 beds on a four-star level, a 1,000 square meter cos­me­tic and spa area, 1500 square meters of dif­fe­rent therapy faci­li­ties, a thermal spa with 1000 square meters of con­nec­ted water, A sau­na­dorf and restau­rants. “Of course, the faci­li­ties are not only available to hotel guests but to all visi­tors and, of course, to the people of our region.”

With several sym­bo­lic hammer-hits, guests from poli­tics and con­s­truc­tion wished to con­ti­nue the success of the work.

In the new health spa, invest­ments amount to slight­ly more than 60 million euros. The Free State of Bavaria sup­ports the project with 14.7 million euros. This is the highest sum ever for a single project.

Of course, the thermal baths are not only available to hotel guests, but to all visi­tors, and, of course, to the people of our region.” Stephan Gesell

Name with abun­dant symbol content
“Siebenquell Gesundzeitresort” is the name of the thermal baths in Weißenstadt. Desi­gner Wolf­gang Judas has desi­gned this amply sym­bo­lic name. There are the sieves for the seven health waters which are used in the thermal baths and for the Sie­ben­stern­land in which the bath is built. The “health time” is an allu­si­on to the inten­ti­on of the project: From the hectic life­style of the stres­sed people can take the neces­sa­ry time for their health in the huge faci­li­ty. Accor­ding to Judas, this “health resort” is a mega­trend: “With demo­gra­phic change, there are more and more elderly people, but they are often able and willing to invest in their health on vaca­ti­on.” State Secre­ta­ry Franz Josef Pschie­rer also hopes that employ­ers will also app­re­cia­te the health of their employees. The Bava­ri­an state govern­ment tackles the issue of health with several pro­jects, for example with an Inter­net tool.

Wolf­gang Judas has deve­lo­ped a brand logo that adapts to the cor­po­ra­te design of the city of Weißenstadt in the color scheme so that all those inte­res­ted in well­ness and well­ness can imme­dia­te­ly reco­gni­ze the “Siebenquell Gesundzeitresort”.

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