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Rediscover the soul

By 9. April 2021July 2nd, 2021No Comments

Rediscover the soul

Michael O’Neill has been taking photos for the New York Times Maga­zi­ne, Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair for almost 50 years. During the last ten years he has dealt inten­si­ve­ly with the culture of yoga and focused his camera on the roots and the essence of the ances­tral and tim­e­l­ess spi­ri­tu­al yoga tea­ching. You can expe­ri­ence his fasci­na­ting photos in “On Yoga”. As a powerful homage to a time-honored disci­pli­ne that today unites over 250 million prac­ti­tio­ners world­wi­de in the exer­cise of body, mind and mindfulness.