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Next generation luxury

By 23. April 2021July 2nd, 2021No Comments

Next generation luxury

Once again, luxury is expe­ri­en­cing an inte­res­t­ing change in human history. The new luxury lives from awa­re­ness, from a pio­nee­ring spirit, but not in the dusty sense, but as further deve­lo­p­ment. Old tra­di­ti­ons become new pro­ducts, tra­di­tio­nal recipes are trans­for­med into new crea­ti­ons and che­ris­hed rituals are dusted off and given a new look. The valuable pro­ducts from the Gmund paper mill, for example, are one example, the new wine crea­ti­ons of the young wine­ma­kers another. The palette ranges from food and drink to mate­ri­als and style. Waking up the old to trans­port it into the future.