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Da macht der Umsatz Ohren!”

By 10. November 2020December 7th, 2020No Comments

Da macht der Umsatz Ohren!”

Spot­tu­ne com­bi­nes light and sound into a new, unique overall expe­ri­ence. A 360-degree loud­spea­k­er in the power rail that makes shop­ping after the lock­down more attrac­ti­ve and beau­tiful. Accor­din­gly, the Würz­burg light and lumi­n­aire who­le­sa­ler licht­ba­sis offers its cus­to­mers the mailing for this in a visible and audible manner. In the form of the video­card desi­gned by us, which impres­si­ve­ly com­bi­nes sound with look and feel. In the spirit of the motto “Sound up your light”.

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