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Geiss is now also in funds

By 10. March 2015December 22nd, 2020No Comments

Geiss is now also in funds
Bayerische Rundschau, March 2015

Coope­ra­ti­on – The cult mil­lionaire is app­ly­ing from today an invest­ment of Kulm­ba­chers Bernd Förtsch. The adver­ti­sing cam­paign was deve­lo­ped by Wolf­gang Judas under the direc­tion of the Kulm­bach agency designhouse.

Kulm­bach – A nati­on­wi­de adver­ti­sing cam­paign, the roots of which are located in Ober­fran­ken, starts today with full-page adver­ti­se­ments in a large German tabloid. The content is about a new fund of the Kulm­bach entre­pre­neur Bernd Förtsch – the cor­re­spon­ding cam­paign was shot by Wolf­gang Judas in an exclu­si­ve pent­house in Munich under the lea­der­ship of the Kulm­ba­cher agency design­house, as Judas explai­ned in a press release.

The face for this is Robert Geiss, Ger­many’s tele­vi­si­on admirer as a cult mil­lionaire from the series “A ter­ri­bly glamo­rous family”. The “Reich with Geiss” fund is a divi­dend fund of Fört­sch’s par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on Patri­arch. It is sold jointly with the manage­ment company Hauck & Auf­häu­ser, the fund is available at all banks and savings banks.

Photos and the various films are applied today as part of a mul­ti­me­di­al story. “We repre­sent Robert as a cre­di­ble face of the fund, but pre­cis­e­ly in that indi­vi­dua­li­ty you expect from him, which one knows and likes,” says Wolf­gang Judas. The cologne cult mil­lionaire gives himself just like his fans like – real, angular and with a wide grin. “Zero inte­rest – not with me” is one of the key mes­sa­ges of the campaign.

Since Geiss has long been an estab­lished term in German tele­vi­si­on, shoo­ting and shoo­ting have been routine and pro­fes­sio­nal, accor­ding to Judas. Thus at the end of an eight-hour working day a real Geis­sens­pro­jekt was created.

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