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Excellent – also as a brand

By 5. April 2016December 22nd, 2020No Comments

Excellent – also as a brand
Frankenpost, April 2016

Design award for the Siebenquell in Weißenstadt

In the Fich­tel­ge­bir­ge, the Siebenquell GesundZeitResort in Weißenstadt is, of course, long before the opening in autumn 2016. But the focus is also on the 60.2 million Euro project as a brand. The image was chosen by Ger­many’s leading maga­zi­ne for cor­po­ra­te design among the best 18 works of the quarter.

A great success”, initia­tor Stephan Gesell is deligh­ted with the award, which Co & CO calls “starter hours”. A maximum of 80 of them are awarded by the maga­zi­ne, which is deco­ra­ted with a Red Dot Award. The current quarter includes brands such as Balsen, the TV tower Stutt­gart or the avia­ti­on company Bla­de­s­cape in the best and high quality society.

Wolf­gang Judas, who looks after the Siebenquell with his agency design­house, can look forward to two “star hours” this time – next to the Siebenquell, the brand image of the C.P.A. Group.

At the moment, part II of the image film for the Siebenquell Gesund­heits­Zeit­Re­sort in the Fich­tel­ge­bir­ge is being made. “An image film that not only takes the first part, but enri­ches it with con­cre­te and hither­to unknown content,” says Judas.


In the picture: Wolf­gang Judas (left) is pleased about the “Stern­stun­den” award for the brand image of the Siebenquell GesundZeitResort and pre­sen­ted it sym­bo­li­cal­ly during the filming to the new image film to Silke Stich and Stephan Gesell.